Sarah Parker

My family instilled in me the value of hard work, service and above all responsibility for our ourselves, our community and our future.

Sarah Parker

Welcome dear

A political system is a framework which defines acceptable political methods within a given society. The history of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity, with works such as Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Politics and the works of Confucius.

Majored in Political Science

Law School and Civil Rights Attorney

Director of the Communities Project

Deputy Attorney General

PoliciesHow we can build a better country together!

Case StudyOpposing Dirty Energy Infrastructure Development



Whether it’s getting petition signatures, creating thousands of citizen video appeals to send to Congress, or mobilizing supporters to hit the streets, we specialize in innovative advocacy campaigns that make waves:
  • Legislation
  • Environment
  • Political

Legislative Efforts

We’ve helped build the small-donor membership base of some of the best and biggest progressive groups through millions of one-on-one conversations with supporters across the country. We’ve been running data-driven voter outreach campaigns since 2004, including knocking on millions of doors to help elect President Obama. For every voter contact campaign, quality interactions are our top priority.


Since 2004 we’ve helped register over 2 million voters, including running targeted African-American community drives and bilingual registration campaigns on both coasts.


We place the highest priority on training our staff to be excellent organizers. We can also help train your staff or volunteers in order to make your internal outreach efforts as successful as possible.

Would you like to become one of our donors?

Would you like to become one of our donors?

+33 7 67 35 42 70
25, r de la Bastille - 44000 Nantes
© Alain Avello 2023 - Reproduction
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